Well folks, 26 of you are now signed up and ready to Roll in the One Big Weekend:Online Final! Happening this Saturday APRIL 27, 2019. Check back on this page for further instructions on the day, and between rounds. Congratulations to you all!
Yort has kindly posted the team lists for the One Big Weekend: Online event on The Dice Coalition. You can find them here… http://dicecoalition.com/tiki/tiki-view_blog_post.php?postId=145
Please review your team on this list before the event in case there are any errors/typos. I will be posting match-ups/brackets here as the day progresses so check back here often.
In order to keep this to a one day, fun adventure we are going to run this as a MoD style – 6 rounds of Swiss Tournament. We expect it to last less than 6 hours. Here are the hours based on your time zone:
9am-3pm Pacific Standard Time
11am-5pm Central Standard Time
Noon-6pm Eastern Time
5pm-11pm Greenwich Mean Time
6pm-12am Central European Time
Where is it?
This will be an online only event. You will come here, to this web page, at the appointed time to be given your match-ups at the top of the page. You can also check into the Discord Channel for the event between rounds for this event as well at https://rollinthunder.xyz/OBWO_Discord_Channel
Each match up will be given a “room” that corresponds to a Google Hangouts room on either DiceCoaltion (DC) or DM-North (DMN). i.e. –
Round 1 (9am PT)
DC Room 1 — Person1 vs. Person2
DC Room 2 — Person3 vs. Person 4
DMN Room 1 — Person5 vs. Person6
There are 8 “rooms” at the Dice Coaltion. If you are assinged a room with the prefix “DC” go to http://dicecoalition.com and click on the “Community” drop down Menu. You will find 8 “rooms” – Click on the one that you were assigned and say hi to your opponent.
There are 7 “rooms” at DM-North. If you were assigned to a room with the prefix “DMN” go to http://www.dm-north.com/online-play/ and click on the room that you were assigned to.
* Please note 7 things:
1. If you’ve never used Google Hangouts before, your internet browser may require you to download a plug-in and authenticate things before it lets you sign into the rooms. Please download this plug-in and authenticate BEFORE the start of the event. You can check to see if you need to do this by visiting a room on each site to make sure you’re good to go.
2. True Mr. Six will be streaming his matches and has set up a YouTube streaming channel. He may PM you before your event and you can directly meet at that Youtube location, or you can meet in the room you’ve been assigned and make arrangements there.
3. As a community service, Ross from the Dice Arena and Chris & Rob’s Game Room will also be streaming matches, while Zack will be recording his. This will all take place in whatever room you’ve been assigned. If you would rather not have your matches recorded or streamed please let them know at the start of your match (or email me).
4. I will officially be Judging this event with support from Paul Kushnir, Michaela and Archivist. If anyone needs an immediate ruling during one of their matches you can reach me on Discord (@WeaponO) or Facebook Messenger me (@Arge O’Neal). We will try to turn things around ASAP. If you have any questions we can answer in advance, email me at arge@rollinthunder.xyz.
5. I will be using Challonge to run the brackets for the event, but will be entering the results into the Win as well. Please report all your results as soon as you are finished either directly into Challonge, or on the Dice Masters One Big Weekend Discord Group, or FB Messenger me. I will then begin working on posting the brackets for the next round.
6. I am currently figuring out the best way to share the Dice Coaliton Team links with one another on the day… Just in case, be prepared to have a copy of that link to share with your opponent when you join the room.
7. Any questions? Hit me up!
Here’s a link to our One Big Weekend: Online – Official Rules and FAQs page… https://rollinthunder.xyz/OBWO-FAQs
If you’re new to Online play and have questions about how it works, please click this link… DICE COALITION ONLINE PLAY to learn how to do it. Please be assured that those of you new to online play are welcomed and encouraged to join in!
If we’ve forgotten anything or you have further questions please email us at arge@rollinthunder.xyz !