Puzzle! Season 1, Episode 1

by Jan 19, 2019


After a hard fought battle, we’ve arrived at the potential coup de grâce. Player A is down to 1 life, but with careful and accurate play they can seize the victory! But how? Player B is at 6 life and has two dice in the field – a level 3 Shriek: Sonic Beam, who is ignoring the text on Player A’s Storm: Thunderclap card, and a level 2 Lex Luthor: Kansas Native. Plus they have a sidekick die on it’s ? face in the reserve pool. Player A has two sidekicks in the field and has managed to roll a level 3 Storm: Thunderclap, a level 2 Promo Hawkeye: Avenger’s Disassembled, a sidekick die on it’s bolt face and two sidekick dice on their shield faces. Can you find the win?

Did you solve it?

Email us your answer and we might give you a shout out on the show!  If you make it an audio file we might even play it!


